Wednesday, April 2, 2014

In this post I wanted to highlight one of the resources I mentioned in my last Top 10 picks post, This website has a lot to offer in a lot of different areas of mental health, including personality disorders. I mentioned previously that I really appreciate the UK flavor of the website, which has contributions from mental health professionals from the US, UK and Europe. The site is highly credible as evidenced by its accreditation through the Health on the Net Foundation and that it is overseen by an international advisory board of distinguished academic faculty and mental health professionals. Also, all of the material provided on the site is peer reviewed. The articles provided on the site, which are numerous in subject matter, all provided identifying information for the authors, their credentials, and bios that detail their professional backgrounds. In perusing through this site I have found everything from an article written about the TV show "Dexter" and psychopathy to multiple articles on guidelines for using different forms of online counseling directed toward mental health professionals.

There is also information directed toward mental health consumers for engaging in online distance counseling. There are articles on the advantages of distance counseling. There are articles on the disadvantages of online counseling. There are also articles on topics such as suitability for online counseling and security. The site also provides "referrals" of a sort to talk to a therapist live online. This feature is described as a secure live chat with the client's choice of a online counselor, therapist, or psychologist specializing in specific areas of mental health. The site is transparent in stating that referral fees are collected through these recommendations and directs clients to "drop off" questions at the free "Ask the psychologist" service that is also offered on the site, if they would prefer.

Here's the link for the site:

I truly have nothing but praise for the credibility and transparency of this site. Even the quizzes provided have disclaimers that discuss the validity of the measure. I think it has so much to offer, especially in the realm of providing information and services for online distance counseling. There is a plethora of information for counselors and clients alike and I think anyone interested or involved in mental health should check it out!

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